Friday, July 24, 2015

it's ours to give, not to keep

The Word for today: Ephesians 4:1 -- 5:2
mark this: Ephesians 4:11-13
A gift is the Holy Spirit doing something through the believer in order to build others up.
Some can sing, some can lead; some can cook, or clean, or mow the lawn, or play the drums. Some can rebuild a neighbor's shattered hope--or his broken table leg. Some can fix a neighbor's car that won't start; or jump-start his faith when it's stuck in neutral. Some can convey the cross of Jesus Christ, filling empty hearts with the love of God.
Many people who don't follow Jesus have talents--which can look just like the gifts of the Spirit.
Here's the difference: God gives talents to us, to use as we see fit. But the gifts of the Holy Spirit are from God to others--through us.
Gifts are not even ours. We just deliver them. We deliver them in God's name, making it clear that "This is for you--from Jesus."
A gift is a talent we've given away. If we haven't given it away, then it's not a gift at all.

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