Monday, November 9, 2015

you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows

The Word for today:
2 Kings 3:1-4:7
mark this:
2 Kings 4:1-6
The widow had no money. She had nothing but a little oil at the bottom of one jar.
Elisha told her to gather every jar she could find, every jar in the neighborhood. Then he told her to pour the oil she had into the first jar. She filled it. Then she filled another. And she kept pouring. The oil never stopped flowing until there were no more jars to fill.
In scripture, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
In the Old Testament, priests and kings were anointed for service. Sometimes, oil was actually poured over their heads to mark them out (1).
The Old Testament is filled with promises of the Messiah. The Hebrew word "Messiah" means "Anointed One." Jesus' title--"Christ"--is the Greek word for "Messiah."
So when we say "Jesus Christ," what we mean is Jesus, the Anointed One, because God's Spirit is upon him without measure or limit (2).
This brings us back to the widow with but one jar of oil. That one jar--that's a picture of Jesus. And those empty jars that aren't empty anymore--one of them is you!
Everyone who believes in Jesus is anointed--filled--with the Holy Spirit. The oil is limitless, without measure.
You are a christ--with a little 'c'--an anointed one. All because Jesus Messiah pours out his Spirit until every empty jar is filled.
(1) Exodus 29:7; (2) John 3:34

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